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Thursday 5 December Midweek ride - southern (moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph).12-14 mph).More, approx. 50 miles/80 km)
Saturday 7 December Saturday social booked ride (leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph.More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Start: 10am at Brookside Coffee: Burwell, Village Green Coffee Shop Booking essential: contact the leader to book your place. Ride cancelled due to bad weather forecast.
Angela Wright (07956 449255)
Sunday 8 December Sunday morning ride (moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph).12-14 mph).More, approx. 50 miles/80 km)
Meet for coffee: 11am Stapleford, Granary Cafe This is a monthly club social event. There are no led rides - just make your own way to coffee and meet up for a chat. There's usually the option to join with others for an ad-hoc ride on the way home.
Thursday 12 December Midweek ride - city (moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph).12-14 mph).More, approx. 35 miles/56 km)
Thursday 12 December Midweek ride - southern (moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph).12-14 mph).More, approx. 30 miles/48 km)
Saturday 14 December Saturday social booked ride (leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph.More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Sunday 15 December Sunday morning ride (moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph).12-14 mph).More, approx. 40 miles/64 km)