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CTC Cambridge

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Rides list for December 2024


Sunday 1 December 2024
Sunday morning ride

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 50 miles/80 km)
Start: 9.30am at Brookside
Coffee: Potton, Ri-Ri's Family Cafe
Booking not required.
Carl Glasse
Thursday 5 December 2024
Midweek ride - city

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 45 miles/72 km)
Start: 9.15am at Brookside
Coffee: Saffron Walden, The Temeraire
Booking not required.
Stop changed.
Julian Hickling
Thursday 5 December 2024
Midweek ride - southern

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 50 miles/80 km)
Start: 9.30am at Great Shelford, Square and Compasses
Coffee: Royston, The Heath Cafe Bar
Lunch: Wendens Ambo, The Mixing Shed Cafe (card only)
Booking not required.
Stops changed.
Greg Tucker
Saturday 7 December 2024
Saturday social booked ride

(leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph. More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Start: 10am at Brookside
Coffee: Burwell, Village Green Coffee Shop
Booking required.
Ride cancelled due to bad weather forecast.
Angela Wright
Sunday 8 December 2024
Sunday morning ride

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 50 miles/80 km)
Start: 9.30am at Brookside
Coffee: Newmarket, The Graze Kitchen
Ride cancelled due to bad weather forecast.
Leader Needed (what does this mean?)
Meet for coffee: 11am Stapleford, Granary Cafe
This is a monthly club social event. There are no led rides - just make your own way to coffee and meet up for a chat. There's usually the option to join with others for an ad-hoc ride on the way home.
Thursday 12 December 2024
Midweek ride - city

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 35 miles/56 km)
Start: 9.15am at Brookside
Coffee: Wendens Ambo, The Mixing Shed Cafe (card only)
Lunch: 12pm Fowlmere, The Chequers (prebooked Xmas meal)
Booking not required.
Change of leader.
Thursday 12 December 2024
Midweek ride - southern

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 30 miles/48 km)
Start: 9.30am at Great Shelford, Square and Compasses
Coffee: Wendens Ambo, The Mixing Shed Cafe (card only)
Lunch: 12pm Fowlmere, The Chequers (prebooked Xmas meal)
Booking not required.
Andy Carlyle
Saturday 14 December 2024
Saturday social booked ride

(leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph. More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Start: 10am at Brookside
Coffee: Duxford, Cafe 19 (card only)
Booking required.
Dennis Starling
Sunday 15 December 2024
Sunday morning ride

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 40 miles/64 km)
Start: 9.30am at Brookside
Coffee: Saffron Walden, Mocha Café
Ride has been automatically cancelled because it does not have a leader
Leader Needed (what does this mean?)
Thursday 19 December 2024
Midweek ride - city

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 45 miles/72 km)
Start: 9.15am at Brookside
Coffee: Waresley Park Garden Centre
Booking not required.
Simon Gough
Thursday 19 December 2024
Midweek ride - southern

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 45 miles/72 km)
Start: 9.30am at Haslingfield Green
Coffee: Waresley Park Garden Centre
Booking not required.
Susan Goodrich
Saturday 21 December 2024
Saturday social booked ride

(leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph. More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Start: 10am at Brookside
Coffee: Bourn, The Stove cafe
Booking required.
Alan Ackroyd
No Sunday ride today.
No Thursday rides today.
Saturday 28 December 2024
Saturday social booked ride

(leisurelyThis ride is graded as "leisurely". These rides are suitable for anyone who can ride a bike and enjoys fairly gentle exercise. The pace usually averages 16-18 kph.10-11 mph. More, approx. 25 miles/40 km)
Start: 10am at Brookside
Coffee: Lode, Anglesey Abbey
Booking required.
Dennis Starling
Sunday 29 December 2024
Sunday morning ride

(moderateThis ride is graded as "moderate". These rides go at a steady touring pace, averaging 19-22 kph). 12-14 mph). More, approx. 40 miles/64 km)
Start: 9.30am at Brookside
Coffee: Willingham, Lot 25 Café
Booking not required.
Shorter ride to round out the year.
David Secher