Thursday 29 June 2023
Newcomers are welcome on all our rides: see our rides list for what's on.
Non-members can ride with us on up to three occasions before joining. We will ask for your contact details (phone number/email address) either on the booking form (when booking is required), or at the start of the ride.
Why do we ask?
Providing your phone number will enable the leader to contact you with last minute changes and during the ride itself.
Providing your email address will allow the membership secretary to contact you after three rides to invite you to join.
As we are a local group of Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, to join us you need to become a member of the national organisation. You can find out more about latest prices and join online on the Cycling UK website. Membership benefits include third party insurance and legal advice, a bi- monthly magazine and a range of discounts at cycling and other retailers. Cycling UK also campaigns to make cycling safer and more accessible.
If you're already a member of Cycling UK nationally then you're already a member of your local group. Bring your membership card when taking part in our rides and let the ride leader know you're a member.
Once you've become a member you are welcome to join ourĀ mailing list. This is a good way to receive news about changes to our rides and to keep in touch with other members.
If you're not sure which rides are most suitable for you, read more on the types of ride we organise, or contact us for advice.
There are some additional guidelines forĀ riders under the age of 18.