Friday 12 November 2021
The Annual General Meeting of CTC Cambridge will be held at 4.30pm on Sunday 14th November at Haslingfield Village Hall. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided at the start of the meeting.The hall has plenty of space for the expected numbers and we will set things out with safe social distancing. We ask that people attending the meeting bring and wear a face covering, except when speaking at the meeting.
None of the elected posts are contested. This in turn means that we do not need to run an online election in advance of the meeting. There remain two general Committee posts where no one is standing, and we would still like to hear from people who are interested in joining the Committee.
Minutes of meeting (including reports).
If you have any questions about the reports, but will not be attending the meeting, you can instead mail these to
1. Welcome and opening remarks from our Chair
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of previous AGM
4. Annual Reports
a. Secretary
b. Treasurer
c. Runs Secretary
5. Election of Officers and Committee.
6. Discussion about resumption of full rides programme – Rupert Goodings
7. Any other business
8. Date of next full AGM meeting
John Seton, Secretary